
Bangladeshi Restaurants’ Analysis

In this project I built a scraper using Google Places API to extract Restaurants’ information from all over Bangladesh. Moreover, created visualizations according to the Restaurants’ ratings, reviews, and price levels.

Tech Stack: Python, GCP, Folium, Geopandas
Project Link: Github Repository

Covid-19 Mental Health Impact Analysis

The objective of this notebook is to present an extensive data analysis of the Covid-19 MentalHealth Dataset provided by Ada Lovelace Datathon 2021. Implemented both statistical and visual analysis for understanding the correlation between depression and various socio-economic factors using pandas, scipy, seaborn, plotly etc. Performed binary classification for depression prediction using varied models with hyperparameter optimization.

Tech Stack: Python, visualization (Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly), optimization(Optuna)
Project Link: Notebook

SpaceX Launch Prediction

This was the capstone project for IBM Data Science Professional Certificate. This project gives an overview of SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch Dataset and demonstrates a predictive analysis on whether an outcome of a launch would be successful or not, using various classification models.

Tech Stack: Python, web-scraping(Beautiful Soup, SpaceX API), visualization(Seaborn, Plotly Dash, Folium), Db2(IBM Cloud)
Project Link: GitHub Repository

GSMArena Crawler

This project is consisted of two crawlers built with different python web-scraping libraries which extract data from gsmarena and its Bangladeshi variant website gsmarena-bd and store the data into a MongoDB Database.

Tech Stack: Python, web-scraping (Beautiful Soup, Scrapy and Selenium), MongoDB
Project Link: GitHub Repository

Classroom Booking System

A booking management system where Faculties in a university can book classrooms in advance with the approval of an Admin. Both users can perform basic CRUD operations.

Tech Stack: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL
Project Link: GitHub Repository

Space Shooting Game

A single player 3D shooting game with interactive features

Tech Stack: C++, OpenGL
Project Link: GitHub Repository

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